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We offer specialized memberships for current COLLEGIATE ROWERS during the summer months.


To qualify for a seasonal membership, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. ​A current collegiate team rower and over age 18.

  2. $40 student membership fee (due each 12 month period)

  3. $80/month unlimited rowing subscription (no pro-ration) for the months you intend to row with us.

  4. Must purchase a US Rowing basic membership ($25, if you don't already have one) and complete required SafeSport “Volunteer” training (90 minute e-learning).

  5. You will be responsible to pay a $15 cancellation fee for any sessions canceled within 12 hours or less of class time, regardless of reason.

  6. At coach's discretion, you will be placed in an intermediate or experienced boat during practice time. Resident members retain first-priority boat seating.

  7. Optional:  to join ERG class on Monday 630pm-830pm. No additional cost. 

  8. Optional: to join Land Strength & conditioning training Wed 630pm -830pm. $15 drop-in fee


Seasonal members are not permitted to take our 1x or 2x without prior sufficient experience & if allowed, it must be within a current coaching session. Seasonal members cannot take boats out without a coach. 


If this sounds like something you would like to do at TAC, please complete this registration link



Mon 630p-830p: Erg at the boathouse

Tues 615a -815a: Sculling Tech
Tues 630p-830p: Novice Sweep

Wed 615a -815a: Sculling Tech

Wed 630p-830p: Land strength & conditioning training (open to the public and rowers) $15/drop-in fee

Thurs 615a-815a: Sculling

Thurs 630p-830p: Open Sweep

Fri 645a-830a: Sculling

Sat 7a-9a: Open Sweep

Sat 630a-930a: Competitive (add'l cost per season)

Sat 915a-1115am Novice Sweep

Sun 7a-9a: Open Sweep

Sun 630a-930a: Competitive (add'l cost per season)

Sun 915a-1115am Novice Sweep

© 2024 by Tampa Athletic Club



Tampa River Center at Julian B Lane Park

402 W Laurel St, Tampa, FL 33607


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